The special issue of the Publicaciones Magazine opens new deadlines for submitting proposals (deadline for submission is November 26, 2022).
The themes of the issue are as follows: Qualification of teachers in the stages of early childhood and primary education; Digital competence of university students of degrees in early childhood and primary education and teachers of early childhood and primary education; Evaluation of the professional performance of teachers of early childhood and primary education; Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the evaluation of the training of university students of degrees in infant and primary education and teachers of infant and primary education, and Analysis of the training and professional performance of teachers of infant and primary education.
Collaborating projects and institutions:
This special issue will be financed mainly by the research project “ICT Innovation for the Analysis of the Training and Satisfaction of Students and Graduates of Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education and the Assessment of their Employers. A Transnational Perspective (Innoteduc).
R&D Project of the FEDER-Andalusia Operational Program. Reference: BSEJ-554-UGR20. 2021-2023.
They also collaborate with the European project ECALFOR “Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Guarantee of the quality of education titles”. Reference: 618625-EPP-1 2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, the project "Digital Society: ICT innovation as a tourist tool in Melilla" (Tourism Board of the Autonomous City of Melilla)