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En V Co Funded By Pos
Logo Ugr Red Black
Ecalfor Descriptor Vertical Color
En V Co Funded By Pos

First face-to-face meeting of the ECALFOR project

Encuentro Presencual Merida Mexico Ecalfor

Fortunately, from July 14 to 18, the first face-to-face meeting of the ECALFOR project could take place. This took place in Merida, Mexico, and was possible thanks to the fabulous management of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY). Meetings of the Coordination Commission, Quality Commission and Latin American Assembly were held. […]

Teams and work committees to guarantee the sustainability of the ECALFOR project

Comision De Calidad Ecalfor

One of the key enriching elements of this project is the convergence of the different institutions that make it up, since, from their own field of action, all the participating institutions have the responsibility to make contributions, even if they are different, given the different functions they perform. To maintain coordination, teams are organized […]

Kick off Meeting - February 17 and 18

Kick Off Ecalfor

The ECALFOR project held its Kick off Meeting on February 17 and 18, where all members had the opportunity to meet each other and debates, questions, and very important suggestions for the development of the project were raised. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it could not be held in person, however, we were able to enjoy […]


Proyecto Ecalfor Foto Portada

This year the ECALFOR PROJECT “Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean” has started. Guarantee of the quality of education titles”. This project is made up of different educational institutions and organizations from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe with the purpose of carrying out, between 2020 and 2023, an analysis of […]