The inauguration of the ISAE University Quality Unit, one of the institutions that make up the ECALFOR project, was a complete success. The Quality Unit is a space for teacher training, based on the missionary functions: teaching, research, social projection and continuous improvement of education in the country.
During the inauguration, the Rector, Dr. Gustavo Mizraim González; the Executive Secretary of the Andrés Bello Agreement, Dr. Delva Batista; the Academic Vice Chancellor, Mgtr. Yvonne Arrocha; the Director of Research and Graduate Studies and the Office of International Relations, Dr. Ulina Mapp, the Academic Director, Mgtr. Giselle Ballesteros, administrative staff, career coordinators, teachers and students from ISAE University.
The Teacher Training Evaluation project in Latin America and the Caribbean. Guarantee of the Quality of Education Titles (ECALFOR), is made up of different educational institutions and organizations from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, with the purpose of carrying out, between 2022 and 2023, an analysis of the characteristics and quality of the teacher training that is given and received by students preparing to be teachers in compulsory education centers in primary and secondary education.

Below is the link to watch the video of the inauguration:
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