The Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla (University of Granada), coordinating institution of the European project ECALFOR, has organized the final meeting of the consortium of the project «Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Quality assurance of educational qualifications", code 618625-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, awarded by the European Commission in 2020, in the Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good program Practices, Action Capacity Building in Higher Education, to be developed over almost four years (January 2021 to October 2024), with funding of 965,045.36 euros.
This international meeting has had the outstanding participation of a group of professors from the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla and the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UGR, headed by the dean of Melilla, Lucía Herrera, and the vice dean of Research, International Projects and Transfer and general coordinator of the project, Oswaldo Lorenzo.
Additionally, different academic authorities from institutions and entities from ten countries in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean have participated: Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla (University of Granada); Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (Mexico); Autonomous University of Yucatán (Mexico); Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Teaching in Technical Education (Mexico); Federico Henríquez y Carvajal University (Dominican Republic); Salomé Ureña Higher Teacher Training Institute (Dominican Republic); Autonomous University of Chiriquí (Republic of Panama); Higher Institution of Administration and Education of Panama (Republic of Panama); University of Las Americas (Ecuador); Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (Ecuador); Universidade Federal do Maranhão (Brazil); Paulista State University (Brazil); Organization of the Andrés Bello Agreement on Educational, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Integration (Republic of Panama); University of La Coruña (Spain); University of Paris (France); University of Bolognia (Italy); University of Eastern Finland (Finland); labOSFOR company (Spain); Agency for the Quality of the University System of Galicia (Spain).
The ECALFOR project promotes collaborative, horizontal and transnational work, and contemplates the following objectives: carry out a diagnosis of the quality of compulsory education teacher training (primary education and secondary education) taught in different higher education institutions in America Latin and Caribbean; design, apply and improve quality assurance systems and protocols for compulsory university teacher training degrees, and carry out an analysis of the characteristics and quality of the training of future teachers in compulsory education centers in primary education. and secondary education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In addition, it adapts quality assurance protocols for teacher training degrees in higher education institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Coinciding with this final meeting of the project in Panama, the third edition of the ECALFOR International Congress