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En V Co Funded By Pos

XVII International Virtual Seminar. Artificial Intelligence and its application in Basic and University Education

The XVII International Virtual Seminar (Artificial Intelligence and its application in Basic and University Education) has been organized by the USMP-ICED –Peru-, with the collaboration of the ECALFOR project. From the general coordination of ECALFOR we thank Dr. Vicente Santiváñez and the USMP-ICED –Peru- for their collaboration for the institutional sustainability and international dissemination […]

The ECALFOR project participates in the organization of two scientific-academic events in the Dominican Republic (2025)


III INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF EDUCATION FACULTIES https://congresos.isfodosu.edu.do/index.php/ccie/eife 5th CARIBBEAN CONGRESS ON EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Education for the future: sustainable development and artificial intelligence as tools for change) https://congresos.isfodosu.edu.do/index.php/ccie Punta Cana (Dominican Republic), April 9-12, 2025 Organizers: Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (Dominican Republic) ECALFOR Project (Evaluation of the […]

Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting and Contact-Making Seminar for Latin America and the Caribbean

Foto Meeting Uruguay

The General Coordinator of ECALFOR, Dr. Oswaldo Lorenzo, and members of the project participated in the Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting and Contact-Making Seminar for Latin America and the Caribbean, held on October 2 and 3, 2024 in Montevideo (Uruguay). This event is designed to promote international collaboration between higher education institutions and […]

The European project ECALFOR organizes the final meeting of the consortium in Panama

Foto Ecalfor Panama

The Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla (University of Granada), coordinating institution of the European project ECALFOR, has organized the final meeting of the consortium of the project «Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Guarantee of the quality of educational qualifications", code 618625-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, granted by the […]

The ECALFOR project, together with the San Martín de Porres University of Peru, participates in the organization of the XVII Virtual International Seminar: “Artificial Intelligence and its Application in University Basic Education”


From November 7 to 9, 2024, the Institute for the Quality of Education (ICED) of the University of San Martín de Porres, a member institution of the ECALFOR project and fulfilling its role of assuming the benefits of technological innovations as is the case of artificial intelligence and its application in […]