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About the meeting

Taking into account the commitments of the ECALFOR project on obtaining results, developing academic products and international dissemination thereof, four documents related to the work carried out at the Bologna meeting are presented in this section. In this, contents linked to the data analysis of Package 4, the updating of the Quality Plan of the Ecalfor project and the general dissemination actions, present and future, established for the project were addressed. These documents are subject to copyright, therefore, their authors are the legitimate intellectual owners of their contents.

The ECALFOR project “Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Quality assurance of educational qualifications”, code 618625-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP/, has been awarded by the European Commission in 2020, in the Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Action Capacity Building in Higher Education, to be developed from 2021 to 2024, with funding of 965,045.36 euros.

Programa Intro
Program of the meeting at the University of Bologna (Italy)
Intro Finlandia Para Bolonia
Analysis techniques and preliminary results of Package 4
Presentacion Bolonia
Presentation of the ECALFOR Quality Plan
Dissemination actions and future plans

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